Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Filth but excellent coffee

I am so disgusted by the filthy condition of the market when I arrive that I take photos of it with a view to making a complaint. There we are in a top British tourist destination in a wealthy town, noted for its learning and one of the places to which visitors naturally gravitate, the market, looks dirty and uncared for. Would you get this problem in, say, Amsterdam or Berlin? No excuses are acceptable.

Sorry to mention you, Greg, after that but there you go you're a big part of the Sunday scene and it's a pleasure to exchange a bit of bizarre banter with you especially as I'm going through my second adolescence. Lovely coffee, great music, good gags. An asset to the market. Cheerful witty and engaged with what's going on.
I meant to put your pic down here, not next to the rubbish. If I remember rightly we were experimenting with different facial expressions. This was something like wry, cynical but with a an underlying friendliness.

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