Thursday, 1 April 2010

Oil City Confidential & Cognitive Ego Therapy

Chris Fenwick, 'arry [Me that is], Rico Daniels and the Canvey Club.
This is where we used to busk in the late sixties along with Lee Brilleaux and John Sparkes. Reactivated memories of this period of my life helped restore my sense of self worth.

Rico, the Salvager being interviewed by Julien Temple. Location: Hadleigh Castle.

Getting out of the Big Black Hole, continued...

Yes, Oil City helped. Got a phone call from George Hencken when I was off work with depression. At first I thought it was OCC. Health phoning up to arrange for my statutory brain check, but then Dr. Feelgood was mentioned and I was snapped out of my depressive stupor. A film! Would I go down to Canvey Island and be interviewed?! YES! ABSOLUTELY!*

So went down and took part in the filming. It was great. I really enjoyed myself. I met lots of people I hadn't met for years. There was beer, laughter, chatter. And no one treated me like something the cat had sicked up on the carpet. Julien Temple, George, old Feelgoods, Rico 'Le Salvager' talked to me as though I was a bona fide human being. That was the most therapeutic thing.

Cognitive stuff:

These guys are cool

They think I'm OK

These guys are cooler* than my bosses

[Who think I'm not OK]

So I'll go with their opinion:

I am OK.

By the way Rico's been ill recently but is now recovering. Best Wishes to you Rico. You're an inspiration! Google 'Le Salvager' to see his award winning trailer for his Discovery Channel series.

Look out for the film which is about the story of Dr. Feelgood. One of the best live bands ever.
I appear in it briefly I'm very proud to say.
More cognitive stuff:

I am cool* enough to be in this film.

Therefore I am not the repulsive emotional cripple I thought I was.

That's how the mind works! The restoration of self confidence!

Market trading connection [as Market Trading is what is what this blog is ostensibly about]? When I got my confidence back I was able to come back to market trading and enjoy it. It's not the sort of thing you can do if you are unsure of yourself.

*I never actually used the expression 'Absolutely' [too cliched] but it seemed appropriate in the context.
* Please allow for a degree of irony here.

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